La Micocoule

This accommodation, adjoining the main house and with its own entrance, will seduce you with its private bathroom and its space equipped with fridge, microwave, coffee maker with pods, infusions and tea.

Accommodation information

Type of accommodation

Room in a private home


Maximum possible capacity

2 people

Number of rooms

1 room

Number of double beds

1 bed

Number of bathrooms

1 bathroom

Number of toilets

1 toilet

Number of rooms

1 room


From 01/01 to 31/12.


From €70 per night
Special offer for hikers.


Check, Paylib, Paypal, Credit transfer

Additional services


  • semi-detached with owner's house
  • On the same level
  • Car shelter
  • Separate entrance
  • Garden room
  • Terrace
  • Air conditioning


  • Fridge
  • Air conditioning
  • Shower
  • Hair dryer
  • Microwave
  • Bed 160 cm
  • Television
  • Duvet
  • Coffee machine
  • Sheets and towels included
  • 1 shower room
  • Wi-fi
  • Towel included
  • Sound-proofed accommodation
  • No-smoking
  • Private WC


Spoken languages

  • English
  • French

Documentation languages

  • French

Pets welcome

Accepted animals


629 chemin des Avens
13330 La Barben

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